Tuesday, August 18, 2009

When I am having times of insecurity, i have to ask myself..."Do I still have joy?"...and the answer at those times is always no. Why does it work like this? It's a biblical principle. The word of God says "The joy of the Lord is our strength." That now makes all the sense in the world to me....after the Lord brought it to my attention.

When we have lost our joy, our strength(our security in who we are in Christ) leaves also. I mean, looking at it in the flesh, it's almost like a person on life support. The joy is the stuff being pumped into our arm. And when that "stuff" is cut off, we get so weak, we can barely lift our heads off the pillow. Incidentally, a person who is depressed, doesn't want to even get out of bed sometimes in the natural. But when the "stuff" (the joy) is hooked back up to us, we begin to gain our strength again.

But what causes a person to loose their joy? Hmmmm...that is the question. Let me think and pray it over, and i'll get back to you on that one...in the meantime, though, what do you think causes a person to loose their joy?

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