Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"When the Sun Goes Down"

"From the rising of the sun, to the going down of the same... the name of the Lord is worthy to be praised"

This tells me, that when the sun is shining on me, and everything seems perfect, Jesus is worthy to be praised...and when that same sun hides and refuses to shine on me, then Jesus is still worthy to be praise!

I Love Him...

Monday, September 14, 2009

I've felt Jesus tugging on my yoke for awhile, and I kept plowing, and dragging Him along, and all the time He was saying stop and listen to me...i'm trying to help you...i'm trying to teach you something...you are gonna hurt yourself, you are gonna wear yourself out... But I kept plowing...and even harder i plowed...

Now i'm finding myself in a place where i have to back up and regroup. Thankfully though i'm still yoked with Him. He has never left, and He's just glad i'm finally listening...and I'm glad i'm finally listening.

Even when i'm broken, if i am just yoked with Him, i'm ok. If I'll listen to him i'm ok. If i'll plow His way, i'll be ok. I love Him so much. He is wonderful!

I will try hard to listen to you, Father, from now on. i'm sorry i thought i knew more than you...i didn't...i was wrong.

Friday, September 11, 2009

"Gettin it under the blood"

I have a problem. When i have done wrong (like felt upset at someone, or felt jealous, or gossiped, or something like that), i don't feel comfortable coming into the presence of my father. I know why, it's because He is holy and i'm so unholy. I guess i expect him not to accept me...But if i don't approach my father at the times when i've done wrong, then i won't be approaching Him ever. I mean i'm prolly never ever right down to the p's and q's in my heart ever 100 % righteous, so if i wait till i'm right in my heart to approach him, then i'm going to be avoiding him most of the time.

So what do I do?

It's easy...I just come through the blood!

When i'm unholy, unrighteous, dirty, ugly and wrong, i approach my father through the blood. I come through the blood to worship him , I come through the blood to ask forgiveness , i come through the blood to intercede for needs . What this boils down to is if I approach him at all, i have to come through the blood. Cause no matter how good or bad i am, he responds to one thing and one thing only...the blood! In one of the first books of the bible, it talks about the death angel passing over only if the blood was on the door post. If i'm gonna have anything besides death in my life, i have to come through the blood.

What I have to do is this...

I just lift up my hands and say "Father, i know i'm unclean, and knowing this i simply come through the blood!"

This is just so clear to me now--it never was before! It's amazing how hard it sometimes is to understand something so simple!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"No weapon formed against You shall prosper"...this tells me weapons WILL be formed against me....but they will not prosper...thank you Jesus!